Autumn Trial 2023 - Results

List of thanks received from satisfied entrants.

Hi Tony
Just a big thank you and your team,some good sections, ideal conditions etc, friendly marshals. Just sodisappointed car failed !!!!!!!!!!!!

Many thanks and regards.

Hi Tony
Thank you all for a great event, wellorganised. Quite testing, but it has to be to challenge those with trialsspecials. For me it was just a fun day out playing with my car. Good to meet upwith you all again.

Very best regards

Hi Tony,
What a fabulous day!

You gave us the opportunity to meet up with so many oldfriends and new alike in such a well organised event and in such beautifulWorcestershire countryside. We thoroughly enjoyed ourselves and were amazed to see howmany historic trials cars and experienced pilots there were to chat to andlearn from!

From the very much needed 4 x 4 tow guy (so cheerful andvery helpful ), the catering team ( excellent pork rolls, piping hot drinks andreasonably priced ), all the marshals, and your good self we found the wholeday to be so friendly, so well run and amazingly so competitive for all ages toenjoy with all types of chosen steed. Mission accomplished - low-cost grassroots motorsport at its very best!

You and your team did a great job for us all on the day andits a big thank you from us! As for Crackers retirement - it was thought to bea head gasket which failed just before lunchtime.

In fairness, he has been managing what we knew to be a headissue when we bought the car five years ago. Many trials and road mileslater.... Suffice to say that the carbs are already off this morning and thejob has commenced!

Thankyou again Tony, top job!
All the very best and until next year.....
Angie and Andy King - Car no 24 MG TA Cream Cracker


Thank you very much for all your hardwork to put the Trial on.

I enjoyed my time with Ian W hugely andwhat a privilege to drive Adrian's valuable car.  I tried really hard butwas happy to be beaten by a mere kid!!  Maybe he will encourage moreyoungsters to come along.  It was a good turnout of young people inthe end, with some spectators vowing to try next year.

Ian P

Dear Tony,
Thank you very much for organising thetrial yesterday. It was a great event, and we reallyenjoyed ourselves. Unfortunately, we got a blocked jet inthe carb, and were unable to finish the last two sections. However, it was easily fixed, and wedrove home as normal.

We appreciate all hard work, by you andyour team of helpers.

Many thanks,Roger & Mark,    car no.23

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